Tuesday, September 15, 2009

COMEX 2009 @ Suntec - Part 2

The 6th floor exhibitors had a lot more bargain items. It is already a common sight to see posters with bargain details and large group of consumers queuing in front of the booths to get the discounted items.

Unlike the 4th floor with glass shelves of display items, 6th floor had a lot more racks of smaller items, and even goods simply stacked on cardboard boxes. I heard that those who went on the last day, and especially during the last few hours of COMEX, could bargain for even greater discounts or more freebies. I guess that make sense since the exhibitors would also save on the logistics of transporting the goods back to the warehouse.

Here’s the level 6th floor plan and yupz those wanting to buy smaller items could likely find them here. I bought a headset at a pretty cheap price!

Here’s a picture of the different A4Tech headsets. Nope I didn’t get mine from this rack though.

6th floor often had innovative new products, and this time round I saw this interesting piggy bank. The piggy bank would recognise the value of the coins you put in, and it would sum up the total as well! Actually I think this is not much different from the coins vending machines available on the street, except that this is a brand new and innovative use of the same technology of coin recognition. The item description stated that there is a patent pending actually.

Yupz other nice products include this Irive MP that looked like a mouse head. There is no LED display and the two rounded ears form the control for the MP player.

That is about it for this COMEX 2009. Other great bargains and babes could be found on the many other websites and so I didn’t take any photos or have any descriptions about them. :)

See also:

- COMEX 2009 @ Suntec – Part 1

Monday, September 14, 2009

COMEX 2009 @ Suntec - Part 1

The COMEX 2009 was held at Suntec over the last weekend, and as usual there was a huge crowd. Generally people would buy their electronic products during the 4 IT events of the year due to the various discounts and goodies given. Various credits cards like OCBC and Citibank would throw in further freebies when purchase were done using their cards.

Here’s a floor map of level exhibitors. The bigger names (e.g. HP, Epson, Dell, Samsung) were located at the 4th floor while the smaller shops selling different products would be located at the 6th floor. Interestingly Mustafa was also at the COMEX 4th floor!

People queued, sometimes before the actual opening hours, simply because there were certain promos with limited number of sets. For example Samsung was selling the Omnia II at $799 for limited number of sets per day and once the sets were exhausted, the more expensive price of $839 kicked in.

Of course, consumers benefited when the stiff competition resulted in prices being cut, often on the spot with price reduction scribbled on some cardboards. For example the Toshiba flash drive prices were adjusted when other price lists were revealed. There were also many booths selling the same items, and it would help if you tell one booth that the other booths were throwing in some freebies (e.g. laptop items) before you made any purchase.

Exhibitors were a lot smarter now with their logistics. It used to be that consumers have to lug their own boxes from the COMEX exhibitions, and that deterred people from buying bulkier items. Now exhibitors, for example Epson, simply packaged their bigger items with a trolley (picture below), and the consumers could simply pay and go. Innovative right?

Those who were worried that their older electronics were taking up storage space at home, could also trade in their older wares e.g. laptops, during this exhibition. Both working and faulty sets could fetch in some cash for the consumers’ immediate use at the COMEX. Smart idea!

Descriptions of the 6th floor booths would be detailed in COMEX 2009 @ Suntec – Part 2

Saturday, September 5, 2009

When games and all things related go mainstream...

Ok ok I know gaming is now a main stream activity and we have people of all ages playing games, from the hard core gamers spending up to 10 hours per day in MMORPGs, to the casual 10 minutes gamers dropping by their Facebook accounts once every few days.

But do you know that even the library has stocked up many books about gaming? Barely a year ago, there were only 2-3 books on the book shelves about gaming. Today the National Library (near Bugis) actually stocks up many shelf sections about computer gaming and related materials.

We have books like Wii for Dummies, Massively Multiplayer for Dummies, many books about Second Life, Pac-man, virtual world books ...etc. Amazing. I am actually not sure if there is indeed such a huge demand for these books. I mean, many of the information could be found online, and most of the gamers should know how to get these ever-changing info online? No?

Other than just books about gaming itself, there are also other books about games development and programming. There are books about .NET development, games programming on Python, games level design, PSP hacks ...etc. I agree there is an increasing demand for these more specialised books since it is much harder to read and find information about games development and programming online. If anything there are just FAQs on some websites and forums, and not full chapters of in-depth discussions and info.

Oh well, now that there are many shelves of books about games in the library, aspiring game designers could borrow a few and try it out. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

World of Warcraft Expansion 3: Cataclysm

World of Warcraft 3rd Expansion: Cataclysm was announced last week at BlizzCon 2009. The official website could be found here. Of course, the huge number of hits by fans all over the world means that you could experience slowness in accessing the site. The details of this new expansion seem interesting.

There is also this slashdot discussion about this new Cataclysm expansion with all the funny / insightful comments as usual.

Basically there is a new level cap of 85 (yeah just 5 levels instead of 10 levels as before), and the world of Azeroth has been (will be) changed cos' of Deathwing the Destroyer. There are also two new classes, Horde Goblin and Alliance Worgen. Not sure how they will look like but I can't think well of a goblin player. I am sure the voice will sound funny. Not sure how this goblin player's stats stacked with the existing game materials, especially the existing Booty Bay related reputation. Will they have special race stats bonus on engineering? Hmm.

Further descriptions of the changes can be found on the WoW site. Somehow I am not as excited about the new classes, but rather I am more intrigued by the new profession of Archaeology. Hopefully it will not be too difficult to level up (remember jewel crafting anyone?). The description on the new mastery system is interesting, but let's see how it actually turn out in game play.

Actually I am not sure if I will continue to be so interested in WoW. WoW has been great. However, when there are too many end game players focusing on the end game materials, the game sort of get boring after a while. I'm not those who spend many hours per day to play WoW, and so it is quite hard to find that many casual players in towns, and yes the guild I once belonged to is also no longer around. Going into BGs and pitting yourselve against the fully geared enemies seem demoralising.

Hmm perhaps I should look forward to the Diablo III instead. Here's the Diablo III monk trailer. Impressive right?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Singapore Toys Games Comics Convention 2009 @ Suntec Part 2

Here's the photos for Part 2 of the Singapore Toys Games Comics Convention 2009. Following the same practice as last year, the various artists painted on the blank boards just outside the convention halls.

Star Wars items (toys, comics...etc) have always been a popular draw for the crowd. This year we had a number of 'life size' troopers walkign around in the costumes, which made it quite interesting. They even had a 'dressed up as Star Wars characters' for a fee that is donated to charity.

What I liked was this robotic R2D2 (life sized) that moved around the place. Quite cool! Imagine having one such toy at home. I guess I could fix a vacuum machine to this toy and have it move around the house. That should make housecleaning more fun.

Besides Star Wars, the other popular games / toys with the crowd are the World of Warcraft (WoW) items. Want to make your own WoW figurines? Here's a photo that shows the different stage of crafting the figurines.

Not forgetting the free posters (and collar pin, & fake tattoos) , and even life sized figure boards for people to take photos!

Of course, there were also transformers, 'Revenge of the Fallen' (a movie where I think the plot sucks).

Ok that is about all I have for STGCC '09. I guess next year there will be equally interesting toys / comics / games for the STGCC 2010!

See also:
- Singapore Toys Games Comics Convention 2009 @ Suntec Part 1

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Singapore Toys Games Comics Convention 2009 @ Suntec Part 1

Singapore Toys Games Comics Convention 2009 (STGCC) was held at Suntec Convention Centre (level 4) this past weekend. I think it was a great event! :) It is always fun to see many displays of figurines, toys, games, comics... etc at one place, and see the many people ogling at their favourite toys.

Like last year, the Devilrobots designer was here to sign autographs and 'drew' something for those who purchase the toys. I was quite amazed by the variety of the To-Fu toys actually.

What was equally amazing is that To-Fu toys have invaded the stamps collecting circle! Thus there are now stamps sets (with competition organised by SingPost)and related game board sets for To-Fu Oyako.

Of course, the cute toys are not limited to To-Fu, and others like ugly dolls also made their appearance. It is weird to see so many of the ugly dolls piled up in the container. Mass ugliness? Lolz.

For those who are gachapon fans, there are plenty of capsules to choose from. Visitors can even change their notes for coins at the event.

Beside the collectible toys, there were also huge 'toys' walking around. Yupz, it was really fun to take pictures together with this pair of Mario Brothers. I didn't go to the event on the last day where the cosplay competition was held, or else there would be other more interesting photos. Nonetheless, there is a part 2 coming with more photos.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finally, I have my own domain name!

I haven't been blogging for the past couple of days because I was trying to get Blogger to work on my own customised domain names. It was not that easy for someone without any knowledge of the domain name stuff.

Well, the whole thing started when a friend alerted me to the current August promotion of $5 for a .sg domain name. You can get the list of participating registrars from SgNIC site. I got curious, and decided to get one, i.e. shadow.sg. I thought that is all about it, since Blogger's "publishing tab' stated clearly that

You're publishing on blogspot.com

Switch to:Custom Domain (Point your own registered domain name to your blog)

Oh well, it was only after I got the domain name that I realised that no one host my DNS for me. The Blogger Help post about this subject is also not very helpful. After much searching I finally found this site, 'Setting Up a Custom Domain? Here's Advice'.

There is truly good advice on that site. :)

So yes, I finally got my own domain name!