Friday, July 24, 2015

Mazda Website Hacked - Singapore

I was looking for Mazda car price and keyed in Singapore Mazda in Google search when I saw that it was being hacked, i.e. the text for the website appeared as shown below (see red box):

Mazda website hacked

I chose to clicked on the Mazda website, and it appeared fine. Apparently the website was restored, i.e. I found some news article about it, but the search result text still shows the hacked version. Hopefully the crawl bots would crawl the restored site, and revert with the original non-hacked text.

Friday, July 18, 2014

ArcheAge - CBT started!

I'm waiting with great anticipation of a good game when ArcheAge's Closed Beta starts within the hour. After hearing so much about it, I've decided to purchase a Silver Founder's pack.

Progress from the CBT would be wiped, but it does give a great chance to try out the game's many features without worrying that the game progress will be made permanent. I understand there has been much discussions about the Labour Points and how slow it is in regenerating. Thus the CBT will be good to try out things that gamers might not want to do in the actual launch servers.

Glyph - ArcheAge CBT
Not sure which race will I chose as a starting character but the Harani seems interesting with the boost for logging / gathering speed.

Ok, time to go try out the game! :)